Spring 2021 Meetings 

Meeting 1 S21 - Introduction

Date - Feb 25th, 7:30-8:30pm

(Meeting ID: 973 2628 9019, Pass: AIM)

Meeting Notes


Plabon Paul: President 

Hannah Comillas: Vice President  

Sayha Oztas: Secretary  

Iris Rrokaj: Treasurer  

Kadir Ozler: Founder  

Club description: 

1. Use art to bring the microscope to the macroscopic  

 2. Make medical knowledge more easily understandable to 
 general audiences 3. Address medical controversies and give  
 the scientific evidence available  

Potential board positions: 

(*Small interview required) 

Social Media Director: Instagram graphics and updates PR with other clubs, discover  potential guest speakers 

Art Dept. Liaison: PR for art department. Connect us to art students, faculty and help with  creative processes  

Class Representatives: FSJS “shadow” the eboard and advertise 

Website manager: artistsinmed.com update information (meeting notes, front page, etc.) Fact Checker: project info accuracy project brainstorming connect us to STEM students 

Major focuses of this club:  

•Being creative with your art and not just making it just a simple scientific diagram. (However, if   this is your style, it can still work out)  

•Explaining science for general audiences  

Artistic opportunities:  

Traditional artists- Can create line work or solo work on a painting/drawing and finalize using  paint, colored pencils, pastels, etc. Can be scanned and submitted to other group members who  have access to digital paintings. (3D printed art, crochet, paint, sculptures, anything!) 

Digital artists- May be assigned to multiple projects if they have the time. Autodesk sketchbook  and Firealpaca are free digital painting resources. 

Opportunities for Non-Artists:  

1. Work with the artists to plan out the work of art  

2. Do research to find peer-review research articles pertaining to the project topic as further  reading for any audience member  

3. Find articles on trusted websites to give another perspective on the topic or also provide  further reading  

Group Structure:  

•1-2 Traditional artists  

•1-2 Digital artists  

•1-2 General members (who don’t wish to participates in the art directly)  

Artistic Freedom:  

-How each group creates and draws their work is up to them as is the format of how they  explain their drawings to the general audience  

-We want to refrain from inappropriate depictions unless it is related to the topic at hand  

Achievements & Goals:  

*All made possible by you!*  

-Article in the Statesman 

-Central Reading Room Art Exhibit  

-Healthcare Workers and Veterans- Giving thanks event (Collab with the art club)  

What We Are Aiming For:  

-Showcase room once COVID settles  

-More independent art  


Project checklist: how the projects will go about and what is needed for the projects (will be  emailed to everyone soon 


Q. Is the Adobe pack free through the school?  

A. Yes, as long as you request it.  

Q. Do we make up the topics we want to work on?  

A. No, we have a list of selected topics and we will send out a google form where you can  choose all the topics you are interested in working on. 

Meeting 2 S21 - Guest Speaker: Doodles in the Membrane!

Date - March 11th, 7:30-8:30pm

(Meeting ID: 973 9854 8335, Pass: AIM)

Meeting Notes

Jorge, currently a biochemistry graduate student at UIUC, shared his story and personal experience regarding the usage of visual interpretation of biochemical concepts. What started as a study tool evolved into a widely followed platform that offers information simplified into sketches, drawings, schemes, and summaries that include interactive forms of art. All those tools and elements are combined in order to obtain a “AHA” reaction in the destinatary, which, most of the time, is a student in search of clarifications of complex topics.

Through his well-followed platform, he is able to provide students with science resources, free digital animations, and study guides.

You can find the artist:



Meeting 3 S21 - Q&A and Advice!

Date - March 25th, 7:30-8:30pm

(Meeting ID: 973 9854 8335, Pass: AIM)

Meeting Notes

During this meeting, the eboard help a Q&A session discussing topics about the club, pre-med, and advice about Stony Brook classes.

Meeting 4 S21 - Teaching Topic Workshop

Date - April 8th, 7:30-8:30pm

(Meeting ID: 973 9854 8335, Pass: AIM)

Meeting Notes

As everyone broke out into breakout rooms, the eboard met with each group individually about their projects to discuss how they were doing with it, any questions they had, and to check accuracy, simplicity, and novelty.

If any group has questions about their project and was or wasn't able to attend, please send us an email! sbartistsinmedicine@gmail.com

Meeting 5 S21 - Jackbox Chill Meeting

Date - April 22nd, 7:30-8:30pm

(Meeting ID: 973 9854 8335, Pass: AIM)

Meeting Notes

The eboard and members played some Jackbox Party Box games together as a way to come together in a chill meeting.

Meeting 6 S21 - Artwork Showcase 2021!

Date - May 6th, 7:30-8:30pm

(Meeting ID: 973 9854 8335, Pass: AIM)

Meeting Notes

(Image presented to the left is from Xiaoying Wu's Sleep Stages project)

In this last meeting, we showcased many of our members' new projects that they completed and went over how awesome they were!

By the end of the semester, we will be posting these finished projects both on our website and on our social media, so stay tuned for both!